Wolfenstein 3D
PCPlayStation 3Xbox 360PC DOSMacSuper NintendoGame Boy AdvanceiOS3DO Interactive MultiplayerSuper FamicomAtari JaguarWeb browser
id Software, MacPlay, Bethesda Softworks
id Software, id Software
Genre :
Wolfenstein 3D is a first-person shooter presented with rudimentary 3D graphics and a follow-up to the top-down infiltration game Castle Wolfenstein. The game is broken up into levels, each of which is a flat plane divided into areas and rooms by a grid-based pattern of walls and doors, all of equal height. Each level is themed after Nazi bunkers and buildings. To finish a level, the player must traverse through the area to reach an elevator. Levels are grouped together into named episodes, with the final level focusing on a boss fight with a particularly difficult enemy. While traversing the levels, the player must fight Nazi guards and soldiers, dogs, and other enemies while managing supplies of ammunition and health.