Super Boss Gaiden

Date: 10/07/2016
Editeur(s): Dieter Von Lazer (d4s), Chrono Moogle
Développeur(s): Dieter Von Lazer (d4s), Chrono Moogle
Genre : Plate-Forme / Hack and slash/Beat 'em up

The president of Sony finds out that a prototype of the Playstation, a joint project with Nintendo, found its way into the public. He goes on a rampage through Sony HQ, destroying everything in his path. Super Boss Gaiden is a homebrew game designed to be played with the Super Nintendo Super Disc, also known as Nintendo Play Station (the only found protype unit). It was released and a Super CD-ROM and was also distributed online in .sfc ROM format. It is playable on the Super Nintendo (even without the SNES CD).