Spy vs Spy
Commodore C64/128AmigaNESAmstrad CPCZX SpectrumAtari ST/STEMaster SystemAtari 8-bitBBC Microcomputer SystemApple IISharp X1Commodore 16Commodore Plus/4PC-8801Acorn Electron
Beyond Games, Tynesoft, Sega Enterprises
First Star Software, First Star Software
Genre :
Strategie / Arcade
The black spy and the white spy are out to outsmart each other before the time bell rings. Find the needed objects (money, passport, secret plans and airport door key) by searching rooms in the embassy, which include desks, file cabinets and other furniture. Foil your opponent by setting creative booby traps in the various rooms (a bomb in a dresser drawer, for instance). Traps can be disarmed with objects found in rooms (a water bucket from a firebox on the wall will disarm the bomb in the prior example). When all the items are together in the secret briefcase, head for the airport door.