Kickle Cubicle
Genre :
Puzzle / Strategie
It once was a peaceful kingdom of friendly, kind people. Unfortunately, this land didn't stay so serene as a wicked wizard king wanted everything for himself. Using his magic powers the wizard quickly overpowered the helpless people, put everybody including Princess Mira, into "dream bags", and turned the entire kingdom into a frozen wasteland.
It is your job as Kickle to progress through all of the areas within each of the four lands in the country and eliminate all of the Wizard's henchmen and rescue your friends who are held captive in a dreamless sleep.
Kickle Cubicle is a captivating puzzle game much on the lines of the old coin-op game Pengo. More recently though, it contains similar concepts seen in the Lolo series of NES carts where planning and strategy is more important than quick moves.
Your main weapon is your 'chilling' ice breath. Breathe on the enemy and they instantly freeze! Give them a kick and they're out of your way! Clear a couple dozen mazes and you come to the end of the land you're in where you must then beat one of the Boss creatures.
Throw in springs, hammers, bonus stages and secret traps and the game quickly turns into a puzzle game with levels which start easy but increase in difficulty as you get better!