WiiPC DOSNESMSXArcadeAtari 2600IntellivisionColecoVisionApple IISharp X1Family ComputerPC-8801Texas Instruments TI-99Sharp MZ-2200
Bally Midway, Mattel Electronics, G-mode
Data East
Genre :
Puzzle / Strategie / Arcade
BurgerTime is a 1982 arcade game created by Data East for its DECO Cassette System. The game's original title, Hamburger, was changed to BurgerTime before its introduction to the US. The player is chef Peter Pepper, who must walk over hamburger ingredients located across a maze of platforms while avoiding pursuing characters. The game was popular in arcades. In the US, Data East USA licensed BurgerTime for distribution by Bally Midway. The Data East and Midway versions are distinguished by the manufacturer's name on the title screen and by the marquee and cabinet artworks.